Estate Planning: A Gift of Peace and Power for Every Mother

Moms spend their days and nights thinking about how to make sure their children are happy, healthy, and safe. If you’re a mom, you know. If you aren’t a mom, you were born because of a mom. It’s one of the two things we all have in common.  So, as  Mother’s Day approaches, let’s talk …

Estate Planning: A Gift of Peace and Power for Every Mother Read More »

The Dark Side of the Internet: Protect Yourself From Online Scams and Digital Attacks

In the digital age, online scams and cyber attacks are becoming more frequent, posing risks to not only everyday users but also to lawyers who manage clients’ sensitive information. But there’s no need to fear if you take measures to keep your data safe. And if (when?) you’re working with a lawyer, you should also …

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What Happens To Your Social Media Account When You Die?

When you die, what happens to your online life? Each social media platform has its own rules for dealing with the accounts of deceased users, ranging from permanent deletion to transforming accounts into places for mourning and memory. Understanding these options is essential for managing digital assets responsibly and respecting your wishes. So let’s take …

What Happens To Your Social Media Account When You Die? Read More »

Why Estate Planning Is the Best Use of Your Tax Refund

When that extra bit of money from your tax refund lands in your bank account, (kinda feels like Christmas, doesn’t it?)  it’s easy to start dreaming about all the ways you can use it. Financial experts may tell you that it’s a chance to pay off debts, tuck away savings for an emergency, or add …

Why Estate Planning Is the Best Use of Your Tax Refund Read More »

Navigating the World of Cryptocurrency: A Guide for Parents and Teens

In an era where digital innovation shapes every aspect of our lives, it’s no surprise that our teenagers are drawn to the allure of cryptocurrency. This digital form of money represents a shift away from traditional financial systems. If you are the parent of teens, understanding cryptocurrency is crucial so you can provide them with …

Navigating the World of Cryptocurrency: A Guide for Parents and Teens Read More »


Anyone who’s seen an episode of “Modern Family” knows that families these days come in many different shapes and sizes. Long gone are the days when a “family” was defined as a mother, father and two children (or was it 2.5 children? Where does the .5 come from anyway?). In this article, we’ll focus on …


April Fools! How DIY Wills and Trusts Offer a False Sense of Security … and May Leave Your Family With an Expensive Mess

If you’ve been traveling around the sun for a while, you’ve no doubt heard of a Will, a document that says what happens to your money and belongings after you die. You may even have a Will, or know you should get one. And maybe you’ve heard of a Trust and wondered what it is …

April Fools! How DIY Wills and Trusts Offer a False Sense of Security … and May Leave Your Family With an Expensive Mess Read More »

Till Death or Divorce: Why You Need to Plan Now for Your Relationship’s End

After the excitement of Valentine’s Day fades away and the last indulgence of chocolate is savored, it’s crucial to turn our attention to a topic that may not be as thrilling as the idea of everlasting love: the reality that all relationships come to an end one day. Before you stop reading, hear me out. …

Till Death or Divorce: Why You Need to Plan Now for Your Relationship’s End Read More »

3 Estate Planning Documents Your Parents Need Right Now

Today, we’re diving into a topic that is absolutely crucial: estate planning for your parents. As they gracefully navigate their golden years, ensuring their peace of mind (and yours!) becomes a top priority. Whether they raised you the way you want, or showed you how you want to do it differently, as your parents’ age, …

3 Estate Planning Documents Your Parents Need Right Now Read More »

14 Ways to Show Your Finances Some Love This Year – Part 2

Last week we explored 7 ways to show your finances and your family some love with smart, tax-advantaged financial tips for the new year: If you missed it, check out. This week, we’re continuing the financial love with 7 more tips you can use to benefit your family this month and the year ahead. Let’s …

14 Ways to Show Your Finances Some Love This Year – Part 2 Read More »


27555 Ynez Road
Suite 110
Temecula, CA. 92591

P: 951.677.7774
F: 951.824.7566


With combined experience of over 50 years we have assisted and supported our clients, their families and businesses through many different situations. We focus on seeking solutions rather than creating problems for our clients. Whether you need support and services in litigation (family law, business and personal injury), would like mediation or need Estate Planning services, we will meet your needs with exceptional skill, ability and experience. We offer our clients compassion, integrity and respect.

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